Interference Management for Tomorrow's Wireless Networks - Newcom# Summer School
Learn about the latest results and upcoming developments on the topic of interference management from a panel of the best and brightest minds in the field; Interact with the scientists currently shaping the future of wireless communications; Meet other researchers working in the field in a stimulating atmosphere!
Featuring six half-day tutorials by renowned experts, as well as hands-on sessions on the hardware of the EuWIn@Eurecom and EuWIn@CTTC labs, this summer school is geared towards Ph.D. students and early-stage researchers who want to deepen their understanding of interference management for wireless networks. Participants interested in presenting their work to the research community can do so during dedicated poster sessions.
Hosted by Eurecom in Sophia-Antipolis, Europe's largest technology park situated in the middle of the French Riviera, this Summer School is a unique opportunity to further your knowledge on interference management in a relaxed atmosphere.
Register before 18 April to benefit from a reduced registration fee.
- When
28-31 May 2013
- Where
Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
- Keynote Speakers
Bruno Clerckx (Imperial College)
Michael Gastpar (EPFL/UC Berkeley)
David Gesbert (Eurecom)
Jakob Hoydis (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs)
Syed A. Jafar (UC Irvine)
Slawomir Stanczak (TU Berlin)
- Programme
Download the final programme here.
- Lab sessions
Florian Kaltenberger (Eurecom)
Miquel Payaro (CTTC)
- Technical Chairs
Maxime Guillaud (TU Vienna)
Marios Kountouris (Supélec)
- Supporting Institutions
EURACON - European Association of Communications and Networking
Newcom# - Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications
- Registration
Register here and log in to the Euracon website, then click on 'Event Registration' at the top of this page.
- Registration fee and payment
Registration fee: 250 euro (VAT included).
Early registration fee, before 18 April: 210 euro (VAT included).
Euracon members: 210 euro (VAT included).
Registration fee includes one social dinner. Registration will be not accepted after 21 May.
Information regarding payment will be available after the registration at the school.
- Poster session
In order to participate in the poster session, participants in the Summer School should send a 1-page abstract to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 10 May. The submissions will undergo a review by the TPC Chairs. Notification of acceptance will be sent out no later than one week after the abstract submission, in order to let early submitters get an early decision.
- ECTS credits
The Summer School participants will be provided with an attendance certificate. Students requiring validation of the ECTS credits following their attendance of the summer school (possibly including the poster session participation) should check with their home institution about the required validation criteria ahead of the event and get in touch with the organizers to arrange a more formal type of examination if needed. Attendees requiring a certificate for ECTS credits will have to take a written test after the school. The test will consist in writing a report of the courses. This document (3 to 5 pages) should contain:
- a summary of two of the 6 lectures (the choice is left to the student);
- a short discussion about how these results can be used or applied by the student in the context of his/her own research work, if applicable.
The report should be submitted by email within the two weeks following the school, and will be given a grade (pass/fail) by the TPC members.
- Local information
- Lecturers Presentations
Stanczak - Distributed Interference Management and Identification
Hoydis - Massive MIMO and HetNets Benefits and Challenges
Gesbert - Feedback and Cooperation in Interference Limited Networks
Jafar - Topological Interference Management
Clerckx - Interference management in wireless networks Practice and Theory
Gastpar - Interfmanagement The Compute-and-Forward Perspective
Font - Interference mitigation in HetNet systems
Jarribas - GNSS interference mitigation
Kaltenberger - Open Air Interface
If you want to join the lectures in broadcast, please visit XiMinds's website.
- After the school