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Waveforms and Network Architectures for the IoT in 5G

EuWIn School, Sophia Antipolis, France, Sept. 14-16, 2015



The school addresses the topic of “how 5G will integrate Machine Type Communications (MTC) and the Internet of Things (IoT). The two main streams considered are related to the design of 5G waveforms for MTC, and the integration of IoT network architectures into the 5G Radio Access.


The school follows the success of the previous EuWIn school organized in Barcelona on November 2013; attendees will be exposed both to theoretical and experimental sessions. Theoretical lectures will be given by instructors from Eurecom Institute, the University of Bologna and Technical University of Dresden. The two sites of EuWIn at Eurecom and in Bologna will manage the two lab sessions. Moreover, industry talks will be given by Alcatel Lucent, Cisco, Intel.  


The two lab sessions will be dedicated to 5G waveforms and IoT Network Architectures:


-       “Set up a 5G network using your own USRP”; OpenAirInterface is an open-source software that allows you to set up your own LTE network. In this lab session you will learn how to setup OpenAirInterface and how to do some basic experiments for 5G. You can even bring your own USRP and computer[1]. In the experiment we will study the coexistence of a traditional 4G system with a 5G system using one of the new waveforms. We will thus setup a 4G LTE eNB with at least one UE connected to it. The other participants will use their USRPs to transmit and/or receive a signal using a new waveform, either UFMC or GFDM. The goal of the lab is to study the impact of the secondary system on the primary system in terms of throughput.


-       “Network Architectures for IoT within 5G”; The laboratory will have two main objectives: from one hand to present a precise methodology to perform experimentation and to fairly compare different protocol solutions, and, on the other hand, to allow attendees to implement an example of application of such methodology. In particular, the laboratory activities will focus on the setup of a real wireless network, where nodes have to send data to a final coordinator. Two different protocol stacks will be compared: 1) A standard solution, based on Zigbee and using Many-to-One routing to establish and maintaining routes, and 2) A solution based on Software Defined Network approach, using a centralized network layer protocol, where routing policies are defined by an external controller that could be anywhere in the network.


[1] USRP B200 or B210 are recommended. Please check further hardware requirements here:


  • When


14-16 September 2015


  • Where  


EURECOM Sophia Antipolis (France)


  • Keynote Speakers


Roberto Verdone (CNIT-University of Bologna)

Applications and Network Architectures for IoT

David Lake (Cisco)

Wireless architectures and MEC for the IoT

Raymond Knopp (Eurecom)

Modulation and coding for 5G

Modulation and coding for 5G - Part II

Dragan Samardzija (Alcatel Lucent)

5G Waveforms

Stefania Sesia (Intel)

5G IoT Terminal Challenges

Andreas Festag and Dan Zhang (T.U. Dresden)

Requirements on 5G Waveforms and GFDM

Florian Kaltenberger (Eurecom)

Lab session: Hands on Waveforms for MTC in 5G

Chiara Buratti (University of Bologna)

Lab session: Hands on Protocols for IoT Applications in 5G


  • Programme


Download the program here


Monday, September 14th

9,30-10,30         Roberto Verdone

11,00-12,30       David Lake

14,00-15,30       Raymond Knopp

16,00-17,30       Dragan Samardzija


Tuesday, September 15th

9,30-10,30         Raymond Knopp

11,00-12,30       Andreas Festag and Dan Zhang

13,30-15.30       Florian Kaltenberger

16,00-18            Florian Kaltenberger


Wednesday, September 16th

9,30-11              Chiara Buratti

11,30-13,30       Chiara Buratti

14,30-16            Stefania Sesia


  • Local information


Regarding Eurecom

Regarding hotels 


  • Organising Committee


Florian Kaltenberger, Eurecom

Raymond Knopp, Eurecom

Roberto Verdone, CNIT-UniBO


  • Local (Logistic) Organisers 


Florian Kaltenberger, Eurecom


  • Supporting Institutions


EURACON - European Association of Communications and Networking

Newcom# - Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications


  • Registration

Register here and log in to the Euracon website, then click on 'Event Registration' at the top of this page.



  • Registration fee and payment


Registration fee: 225 EUR (VAT included).

Early registration fee, before September 1: 190   EUR (VAT included).

Euracon members:  190  EUR (VAT included)


  • Poster session


In order to participate in the poster session, participants in the Summer School should send a 1-page abstract to florian.kaltenberger(at) before 5 September. Notification of acceptance will be sent out no later than 10 September, in order to let early submitters get an early decision.



  • ECTS credits


The Summer School participants will be provided with an attendance certificate.

Students requiring validation of the ECTS credits following their attendance of the summer school (possibly including the poster session participation) should check with their home institution about the required validation criteria ahead of the event and get in touch with the organizers to arrange a more formal type of examination if needed. Attendees requiring a certificate for ECTS credits will have to take a written test after the school. The test will consist in writing a report of the courses. This document (3 to 5 pages) should contain:

- a summary of two of the 9 lectures (the choice is left to the student);

- a short discussion about how these results can be used or applied by the student in the context of his/her own research work, if applicable.

The report should be submitted by email within the two weeks following the school, and will be given a grade (pass/fail) by the TPC members.