Emerging Topic Workshop - EuWIn Inauguration - Newcom#
The EuWin inaugural event will be held in Bologna, Italy, on July 8-10, 2013, at the premises of the School of Engineering - University of Bologna (address: viale Risorgimento 2).
- the Opening Ceremony on Monday 8 (11h00-13h00)
- a Workshop on "Fundamental Research Through Experimentation" on Monday 8 (since 14h30) and Tuesday 9 (till 14h00)
- the Newcom# EuWIn meeting (open only to Newcom# researchers) on Tuesday 9 (since 14h00) and Wednesday 10 (till 16h00)
- When
8-10 July 2013
- Where
Engineering School, University of Bologna
Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna
- Keynote Speakers
Joel Bacquet (EC, DG CONNECT)
Roberto De Bonis (Telecom Italia)
Jean Luc Peron (Thales Group)
Sergio Beker (Huawei)
Alain Sibille (Telecom ParisTech)
Leandro Navarro (UPC)
Luis Muñoz Gutiérrez (UCantabria)
- Programme
Download the programme here.
- Technical Chairs
Davide Dardari (University of Bologna / CNIT)
Florian Kaltenberger (Eurecom)
Raymond Knopp (Eurecom)
Miquel Payaro (CTTC)
Roberto Verdone (University of Bologna/CNIT, EuWIn Director)
- Local Organization
Giorgia Bertozzi (University of Bologna / CNIT)
- Supporting Institutions
Newcom# - Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications
Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering Department “Guglielmo Marconi”, University of Bologna
EURACON - European Association of Communications and Networking
- Registration
Register here and log in to the Euracon website, then click on 'Event Registration' at the top of this page.
- Registration fee and payment
Registration fee for the complete event: 150 euro (VAT included). In this case the registration fee includes one social dinner, one cocktail, lunches and breaks from 8 July (10:00) to 10 July (16:00). Registrations and payments will not be accepted after 28 June.
Registration fee only for the Exhibition, Opening Ceremony and Workshop: 100 euro (VAT included). In this case the registration fee includes one social dinner, lunches and breaks from 8 July (10:00) to 9 July (14:00). Registrations and payments will not be accepted after 28 June.
- Event
8 July, 2013 - Gala dinner at Ristorante La Capriata (Piazza Santo Stefano, Bologna) at 20:30.
9 July, 2013 - Cocktail at Ristorante Margherita (Via Saragozza 85, Bologna) at 18:30.
- Exhibition
Up to eight exhibition stands and fourteen poster stands will be available during the morning of July 8 (from 9 till 14.30), in the same hall where the registration desk and catering services will be provided. The exhibition stands (a 80x160 desk with energy plug) are available to industry representatives willing to show their products and solutions. The poster stands (A1 format) are available to industry or academic researchers willing to present their results.
Exhibition and poster stands are for free, based on a first-come-first-served approach.
In order to submit a proposal for the assignment of an exhibition or poster stand, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
- Local information
If you should have any further assistance, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
- After the event