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Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Heterogeneous Networks - Newcom# Spring School

Pisa, Italy


The school is aimed at providing PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, young scientists and engineers with the unique opportunity to meet and learn from leading experts as well as the chance to present their own work. It will offer a three-day program, starting from Tuesday morning, and ending on Thursday afternoon, featuring six high-qualified courses by keynote lecturers.



Cellular system deployment has reached practical limits in many dense urban area while the demand for data traffic is steadily increasing. This leaves cellular operators with few options to enhance the area spectral efficiency. Unfortunately, radio link improvements, including coding, cognitive transmission, and multiple antennas, are reaching their theoretical limits.

Consequently, network operators are revisiting conventional cellular system topologies and are considering heterogeneous networks consisting of an irregular deployment of self-learning and intelligent decision-making base stations with different coverage and low transmit powers. This major transition renders the cellular architecture increasingly complex, and rises many issues. Actually, the models and analytical tools, which were developed for the analysis of carefully planned cellular networks, fail to provide a sufficient insight for such increasingly dense heterogeneous networks with all of the above degrees of freedom.

To this respect, the objective of the proposed NEWCOM# School is to give PhD students, researchers and engineers the opportunity to learn from leading experts the most advanced signal processing techniques and mathematical tools for understanding dense heterogeneous networks and finding the algorithmic solutions to approach their limits.


  • When

18-20 March 2014


  • Where

Room “Ulisse Dini”, Centro di ricerca matematica “E. De Giorgi”, Palazzo del Castelletto, Via del Castelletto 11, Pisa.


  • Keynote Speakers
  • Programme

Download the updated programme here.


  • Live broadcasting on Ximinds platform

Information available here


  • Call for participation

Download the call for participation here.


  • Organizing Committee

Filippo Giannetti

Giacomo Bacci

Luca Sanguinetti


  • Local Arrangements

Riccardo Andreotti

Andrea Emmanuele

Carmine Vitiello

  • Supporting Institutions

EURACON - European Association of Communications and Networking


Newcom# - Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, University of Pisa


  • Registration

To register to the school, you must log in to the Euracon website (if you are a new member, you can create an account here). Then, click on 'Event registration' at the top of this page.


  • Registration fee and payment

Registration fee: EUR 140 (VAT included).

The registration fee includes the school material, one social event, and all coffee breaks. Registrations will close on Friday March 10th, 2014, at h. 12 CET. All registered participants are kindly requested to finalize the payment of the registration fee by three (3) days after filling out the registration form: after three days, the registration will expire. Information concerning payment will be available after the registration to the school. For further details and questions, please send the school secretariat an email ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).


  • ECTS credits

The Spring School participants will be provided with an attendance certificate. Students requiring validation of the ECTS credits following their attendance of the spring school should check with their home institution about the required validation criteria ahead of the event and get in touch with the organizers to arrange a more formal type of examination if needed. Attendees requiring a certificate for ECTS credits will have to take a written test after the school. The test will consist in writing a report of the courses. This document (2 to 3 pages) should contain:

- a summary of two of the lectures (the choice is left to the student);

- a short discussion about how these results can be used or applied by the student in the context of his/her own research work, if applicable.

The report should be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within the two weeks following the school, and will be given a grade (pass/fail) by the TPC members.


  • Relevance for NEWCOM# activities

The subjects of the proposed doctorate school are of interest for all the project partners, especially for those involved in Track 1, i.e., WP 1.1, WP 1.2 and WP 1.3.


  • Local information

How to get to the school


Dining options

Useful information

Weather forecast


  • Lecturer presentations

Lecture #1 (M. Luise)

Lecture #2 (M. Kountouris)

Lecture #4 (R. Couillet)

Lecture #5 (E. Björnson)

Lecture #6 (P. Elia)


  • After the school

Summary of the school