Best Published Student Paper Award in Wireless Communications
EURACON selects the Best Published Student Paper based on an evaluation process performed by an Award Committee composed of distinguished experts in the area of wireless communications.
- 2016
The paper “Auction-based Offloading for Base Station Switching Off in Heterogeneous Networks” authored by A. Bousia, E. Kartsakli, A. Antonopoulos, L. Alonso, Ch. Verikoukis has been awarded with the 2016 EURACON Student Best Paper EUCNC 2016.
The 25th Edition of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2016) was hosted in Athens, Greece. The conference took place from 27 to 30 June 2016.
The paper was selected by the Track Co-Chairs among the papers accepted and published over IEEE Xplore, authored by a student (sponsored by EURACON). The award was given at the conference banquet and consists of 500 EUR.
- 2014
The winners of the 2014 EURACON BPSPA were Irene Pappalardo at EuCNC 2014 and Ralph Tambourgi at EW'14.
- EuCNC 2014
The Steering Committee of EuCNC 2014 released three Awards during the conference; the Award Ceremony was held at the conference banquet on Wednesday, June 25th, 2014. The 23rd edition of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2014) was hosted in Bologna, Italy on June 23/26, 2014.
The paper "Context-Aware Handover in HetNets" authored by Francesco Guidolin, Irene Pappalardo, Andrea Zanella and Michele Zorzi has been awarded with the 2014 EURACON Best Student Paper Award.
It was selected by the Track Co-Chairs among the papers accepted and published over IEEE Xplore and identified as “student paper” (a call for applications has been released in May, and 26 papers have been identified). The prize consisted of the reimbursement of up to 600 EUR for a travel in Europe to participate to any Conference, Workshop or School in the field of Networks and Communications before end of 2014.
- EW'14
Euracon supported the 20th European Wireless Conference (EW'14), held in Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, from 14 to 16 May, 2014.
The European Wireless Best Paper Award was assigned to Ralph Tambourgi for the paper “Dual-Branch MRC Receivers in the Downlink under Spatial Interference Correlation"that he co-authored with Prof. Jeffrey Andrews and UT ECE alumnus Harprett Dhillon.
There were 180 papers presented at the conference and one award was given from three finalists.
Ralph was a PhD student at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and was a visiting student in the Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG) for about 7 months. The work described in the paper was developed while he was visiting WNCG.
- 2013
The winner of the 2013 EURACON Best Published Student Paper Award was Nicolò Mazzali from University of Parma (Italy), for the paper "CPM-based spread spectrum systems for multi-user communications" with Giulio Colavolpe and Stefano Buzzi.
Rules of the 2013 EURACON Best Published Student Paper Award
- The candidate papers must address a topic in the field of wireless communications. The candidate must have been a “student”, i.e., formally attending a European University degree, during the year of publication of the paper (self declaration of the candidate is requested)
- The paper must have the candidate as first author
- The age of the candidate should not exceed 30 years at the date of deadline for applications (self declaration of the candidate is requested)
- The paper must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal within the three years preceding the deadline for applications
- Applicants are asked to submit a short recommendation letter written by the candidate's advisor describing the relevance of the paper and indicating the journal where the paper was published
- Applications should be submitted via email, sending the paper, a self-declaration regarding age and student status, and the recommendation letter as pdf files, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject EURACON BPSPA-WC
- If more than 400 papers are received, only the first 400 applications will be considered based on chronological order of submissions
- After application submission, and before the start of the evaluation process, the applicant will be requested to become a EURACON member and pay the annual student association fee (see this page for more information)
- The papers is evaluated by an Award Committee nominated by EURACON (see below)
- The winner gets a free subscription to the Association for 2014, and reimbursement (travel, subsistence and registration fee, up to a maximum amount of 1000 EUR) for their participation in a European event of his/her choice in the field of Communications&Networking in the following twelve months
- The winner is announced by the end of 2013. The profile of the winner is published on the EURACON website
Award Committee
Sergio Benedetto (Chairperson), Helmut Boelcskei, Ernst Bonek, Joachim Hagenauer, Miguel Angel Lagunas, Bernard Walke.