Beyond 4G Networks in Cities: from Theory to Experimentation and Back – IC1004 and Newcom# Winter School
Enjoy keynote speeches and lectures from top scholars and people from the industry about the interactions between fundamental research (theory) and experimentation (practice) in the fields of channel modeling, localization, and mesh networks; have a hands-on approach in experimental methods supervised by the scientists that lead European practical research; meet other young researchers working in your field in a stimulating yet relaxed atmosphere!
The school is organized and supported by the COST IC1004 Action and the FP7 Network of Excellence Newcom#; it aims at training young researchers working in the area of B4G radio networks, with emphasis on:
i) the role of experimentation as means to characterize the radio environment and test system performance in real contexts; ii) the interplay between theory and experimentation, fundamental to an accurate and efficient system design;
iii) the relevance of a multi-‐disciplinary approach to research, requiring knowledge of channel, link and network aspects.
The urban environment (the 2020 City) will be considered as the common denominator for all lectures.
This event is hosted by CTTC, which is one of the leading telecommunication research institutions in Spain. CTTC is located close to Barcelona, a Mediterranean city well-known for its touristic attraction (architecture, culture, cuisine, and weather, among many others) which makes this Winter School a unique opportunity to learn both from theoretical and practical perspectives about channel modeling, localization, and mesh networks in a warm and welcoming environment.
25-28 November, 2013
CTTC, Castelldefels (Barcelona)
Keynote Speakers
Werner Mohr (Nokia Siemens Networks)
Fabio Dovis (CNIT, PoliTo)
Reiner Thomae (TU Ilmenau)
Nicola Baldo (CTTC)
Nikolaos Bartzoudis (CTTC)
Jesus Alonso-Zarate (CTTC)
Claude Oestges (UCL)
Florian Kaltenberger (CNRS, Eurecom)
Ronald Raulef (DLR)
Roberto Verdone (CNIT, University of Bologna)
Lab sessions
Carles Fernandez (CTTC)
Javier Arribas (CTTC)
Chiara Buratti (CNIT, University of Bologna)
Christian Schneider (TU Ilmenau)
The school program will evolve around four Tracks:
T1) B4G networks and the 2020 City: technology bricks, requirements, applications, network scenarios, research challenges;
T2) Hybrid Localization: from satellite to heterogeneous localization techniques for B4G networks;
T3) Multi-‐Hop Networks: MAC and routing aspects for the IoT component of B4G networks in the 2020 City;
T4) Radio Channel Characterization: estimation and modeling in urban environments, with the purpose of PHY assessment.
The attendees will be exposed to theoretical lectures on all four Tracks. On the other hand at time of registration they will be asked to select which laboratory experimental session to attend on the third day (Tracks 2, 3 or 4). Alternatively, on the third day Track 1 will include seminars on various topics related to B4G and the 2020 City.
To allow efficient training during the experimental sessions, the number of attendees accepted for each of them will be limited (in Track 2, 3 and 4; Track 1 has unlimited access); a First-‐Registered-‐First-‐Served approach will be applied.
Download the updated program here.
Download the abstracts and descriptions of lab sessions here.
The experimental sessions will exploit the EuWIn facilities. EuWIn (European Laboratory of Wireless Communications for the Future Internet) is funded by the EC in the framework of Newcom#. EuWIn is distributed over three locations: the CTTC site is dedicated to radio interfaces and GNSS; the University of Bologna addresses the Internet of Things and Smart City applications; the EURECOM site focuses on flexible radio technologies, and LTE/4G. The CTTC and the UniBO (remotely accessible) facilities will be used during the school.
Register here and log in to the Euracon website, then click on 'Event Registration' at the top of this page.
After the registration, if you are a participant from an IC1004 institution and you are a PhD student or Early Stage Researcher (a researcher in the start phase of their career with at least the PhD and up to 8 years of experience after the PhD), you can apply for a 400 euros travel grant. To this aim, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. an email with subject "B4GC2'13 - Application for a grant" and include in the body of the email:
- Name, Family Name
- Institution
- Whether you are PhD student and/or ESR
- Country of the institution
Registration fee and payment
Registration fee: 100 euro (VAT included).
Registration fee includes one social dinner.
Registrations open on October 15 at 12h00 CET and deadline is set on November 15 at 12h00 CET (the deadline has been postponed until November 20 at 12h00 CET).
During the registration the attendees will be requested to confirm, based on availability of Track experimental activities (for T2, T3 and T4).
Information regarding payment will be available after the registration at the school.
Scientific Committee
Davide Dardari (CNIT, University of Bologna)
Claude Oestges (UCL)
Miquel Payaro (CTTC)
Roberto Verdone (CNIT, University of Bologna)
Local Organizer
Miquel Payaro (CTTC)
ECTS credits
The Summer School participants will be provided with an attendance certificate. Students requiring validation of the ECTS credits following their attendance of the summer school (possibly including the poster session participation) should check with their home institution about the required validation criteria ahead of the event and get in touch with the organizers to arrange a more formal type of examination if needed. Attendees requiring a certificate for ECTS credits will have to take a written test after the school. The test will consist in writing a report of the courses. This document (3 to 5 pages) should contain:
- a summary of two of the 6 lectures (the choice is left to the student);
- a short discussion about how these results can be used or applied by the student in the context of his/her own research work, if applicable.
The report should be submitted by email within the two weeks following the school, and will be given a grade (pass/fail) by the TPC members.
Local information
After the school