IRACON 2nd MC meeting and first technical meeting
COST Action CA15104, Lille, France, May 30 – June 1, 2016
The IRACON 2nd MC meeting and first technical meeting is organized by the COST Action CA15104, “Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and beyond” (IRACON). In addition to a Management Commitee meeting, IRACON will hold his first scientific meeting.
A scientific meeting is organized in a very similar way as a workshop, with technical sessions where results are orally presented and discussed. These contributions are not called papers, but Temporary Documents (TD), which must be registered before the meeting (by sending a few lines abstract). A TD can be a full IEEE-like paper, or a few pages, but should contain information relevant to the Action (see the list of Working Groups below). This paper must include a cover page (see model attached) and will be included in the members’ area of the Action website and as such it will NOT be public (so, papers submitted to IEEE conferences and journal are eligible).
IRACON encourages participants to submit their latest results to enjoy fruitful discussions. The schedule of presentations will be made public on the first day of the meeting, as usual.
The scientific activities of IRACON are organised according to two types of working groups: disciplinary and experimental. Technical Document discussions will be organised in successive/parallel sessions on this initial basis.
DWG1: Radio Channels
The goal of DWG1 is to develop more accurate radio channel models for inclusive deployment scenarios (including but not limited to heterogeneous cells, body area networks and vehicular communications), using carrier frequencies above UHF up to Terahertz as well to co-develop antenna systems that can cope with the inclusive aspects of the targeted deployments.
DWG2: PHY Layer
The goal of DWG2 is to propose improved theoretical frameworks to study inclusive radio networks, to investigate new PHY layer algorithms to face capacity/energy/mobility/latency challenges and to confront when possible the proposed solutions to real experiments in the EWGs. With the other WGs, DWG2 will also address system level simulation issues because other test beds will not achieve the required scale to properly test some types of network.
DWG3: NET Layer
The goal of DWG3 is to investigate the NET layer aspects that will characterise the merger of the cellular paradigm and the IoT architectures, in the context of the evolution towards 5G-and-beyond. In particular, the following objectives will be pursued : 1) identifying and assessing the network architecture of 5G-and-beyond systems; 2) studying the impact of the “fog” networking/computing approach foreseen for 5G, on the evolution of the RATs; 3) evaluating radio resource management approaches compatible to the new requirements set by future mobile radio networks (e.g. on latency); 4) proposing new concepts and paradigms to take account of the plethora of new applications arising from the IoT context.
EWG-OTA: Over-The-Air testing
The goal of this EWG is to investigate and validate new OTA testing methods, channel models (in coordination with WG1) for implementation in advanced OTA testing set-ups for inclusive networks (large objects, small ad-hoc networks, adaptive networks, etc.); development of advanced metrics for device and system performance ; experimental determination of the required degree of sophistication of models, metrics, and implementations, in line with current standardisation.
EWG-IoT: Internet-of-Things
The goal of this EWG is to support the evolution of 5G networks through the inclusion of the IoT component, via the investigation and assessment of the network architectures, the comparison among the many approaches currently devised for the development of an ecosystem of the IoT platforms and applications in terms of operating systems, and the experimental validation of different protocols for large scale applications of the IoT.
EWG-LT: Localisation and Tracking
The goal of this EWG is to follow the development of 5G standardisation, taking advantage of the new techniques implemented and defined (millimetre waves, massive MIMO, etc.) to design and test new localisation and tracking techniques for devices, working both in outdoor and indoor environments.
EWG-RA: Radio Access
The goal of this EWG is to experimentally validate the many techniques that will be implemented at the PHY and MAC layers of the radio access part of 5G, especially those developed within DWG2. New waveforms, cognitive radio approaches, or massive MIMO, are possible examples.
- When
30 May-1 June 2016
- Where
Telecom Lille, School of Engineering, University of Lille1 (USTL), France
- Keynote Speakers
Remy Bayou, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Maxime Guillaud, Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Research Center, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, France
Ben Lavasani, National Instruments, United Kingdom
- Programme
Start time: Monday May 30th, 9:00
End time: Wednesday, June 1st, no later than 15:00
- Local information, Accommodation
Regarding local information and accommodation
- Organising Committee
Dr. Davy Gaillot, Univ. Lille, Lille, France ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Prof. Laurent Clavier, IEMN - IRCICA, TELECOM Lille, France ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
- Local (Logistic) Organisers
Prof. Laurent Clavier, IEMN - IRCICA, TELECOM Lille, France ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
- Supporting Institutions
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action)
- Registration
Participants registration on IRACON Action website: by May 13, 2016
Contribution to local organiser
150 EUR (VAT included)